Wound Healing made easy…

Villicol Wet Sheet

Where Villicol Wet sheet can be used?
Where Villicol Wet sheet can be used?

2nd degree ,non –infected burns, superficial & deep dermal burns

3rd degree burns – As a temporary cover after escharectomy / tabgential excision *

Skin donor sites, Skin ulcers (Chronic) – stasis, Arterial or Trophic. Pressure ulcers (Shallow), Leprosy ulcers

Dermabrasion * Traumatic loss of skin cover *Open fractures- as a temporary skin cover
What is a Villicol Wet sheet?
Villicol Wet is a Type 1 collagen in triple helical structure, purest form of collagen derived from bovine source using CLRI enzymatic technology

Villicol Wet sheet offers collagen fibrous network to the wound.

Villicol Wet sheet is an ideal ,cost effective treatment option for burns & wound management.

Villicol Wet sheet use has been widely accepted across medical fraternity for the management of burns.

Villicol Wet sheet are available in flexible sizes to match the needs of the medical fraternity in the management of wound healing.
Villicol Wet sheets are preserved in a good sterile medium which makes it very effective and efficient for all categories of patients in the management of wound healing.

Villicol Wet sheets has longer shelf life (5years) under good storage conditions.- Villicol Wet sheet is sterilized by gamma irradiation.

Villicol Wet sheet is sterilized by gamma irradiation.
How to use Villicol Wet sheet?
Pre Application:

Clean and decontaminate and prepare the wound area thoroughly

Debride infected or necrotic wounds thoroughly

Ensure satisfactory haemostasis on skin donor sites.

What are the FABs of Villicol Wet sheet?


Remove Villicol Wet sheet, squeeze gently & rinse thoroughly in sterile saline, to remove the preserving medium. Apply Villicol Wet sheet firmly on the raw area for good adhesion, and ensure air bubbles are removed. Avoid over stretching the sheet as it may tear the sheet may be applied on either surface.
Repeat dressing may not be required unless Villicol Wet sheet is rejected due to underlying pus or complications.

For chronic skin ulcers,2-3 day applications of Villicol Wet sheet in intervals of 3-4 day , after a thorough debridement/ cleaning, should enhance healing.

VILLICOL Wet sheet promotes healthy granulation in deep wound for early grafting

How should I store Villicol Wet sheet?

Villicol Wet sheet can be stored at normal room temperature.

Post Application:

Option of a secondary dressing is left to the doctors choice

Villicol Wet sheet peels of as epithelialisation occurs but do not forcibly remove

Incase adhered Villicol wet sheet as to be removed from the wound, a pad moisturised with saline can be applied over Villicol Wet sheet for a few minutes, to assist easy removal.
What are the precautions & warnings need to be adhered during use of Villicol Wet sheet?
Avoid on patients who are hypersensitive to collagen

Grossly infected wounds may reject , Villicol Wet sheet

Discard the preserving fluid.

Do not use if the pack is damaged or open

Sterility not guaranteed if the pack is damaged or open

intended for single use only